Fertility 101
Whether you're trying to conceive... or trying not to: Anyone who menstruates can benefit from a thorough understanding of their cycle. In this private, virtual information session, learn to recognize and track fertility indicators to optimize your chance of conception, or to aid in preventing it. Cultivate a deeper connection with your unique body patterns, get to know what's normal for you, and know when to seek help for any concerns you may have.
This is a private, 60-minute virtual session: $150
This is a private, 60-minute virtual session: $150
Initial Preconception Visit
For queer families, transgender families, and single parents, a highly medicalized fertility process is often unnecessary and prohibitively expensive. If you're looking for a lower intervention approach, then midwifery-based fertility and conception care may be the right option for you! In this 60-90 minute session we will:
- review your health history
- discuss sperm and conception options
- learn to recognize and track fertility indicators
- discuss lifestyle choices that support fertility
- order any relevant labs or screenings
- discuss the logistics of timing insemination
Home IUI
Intrauterine insemination is a simple and safe procedure in which a thin, flexible catheter is threaded through the cervix to place washed sperm inside the uterus. IUI increases your chance of conception when using frozen sperm, and best of all - I do this procedure in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You must complete an Initial Preconception Visit (see above) in order to access Home IUI services.
Home IUI visit: $300
Home IUI visit: $300